BLOG 6-15-23: Protocols for a Good Conversation

Protocols for a Good Conversation

A good conversation is an opportunity, a creative endeavor, that takes us down many surprising paths. Sometimes a conversation brings resolution. Sometimes it opens up more questions that lead to more conversations, friendships, understanding and curiosity.
A good conversation enables us to find common ground or new understanding about people different than ourselves as we share our stories, humorous incidents and beliefs.
What are the protocols for a connecting conversation?
  • A relaxed, gracious presence and a focus on the person you are with 
  • Maintaining eye contact without staring
  • Listening more than you speak. As someone with hearing loss, I know that we listen with our eyes, our ears, our body language, as well as our brains.
  • Avoid words or phrases that fuel conflict such as “you never”
  • Respect boundaries by not asking questions that may be too personal, i.e. salary
  • Gradually move beyond small talk, such as the weather, to more relationship-building topics: vacations, hobbies, interests, etc.
  • Share your beliefs or passions, as appropriate, without forcing or expecting others to agree with you
  • Prepare for connections by being well-read and aware of what is going on in the world
A colleague of mine jots down ideas for conversation starters in his cellphone and reviews them before leaving home.
A good conversation can be the beginning of a meaningful relationship or make a current one better.
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