BLOG 7-21-23: What is Your Conflict Resolution Style?

What is Your Conflict Resolution Style?

Resolving conflict in a way that values relationships and resolves differences requires awareness and skill. One of the traits of a Gracious Powerful Leader® is the ability to recognize and resolve conflict. Doing so is based on knowing how they approach and respond to awkward moments as well as moments of difference that can escalate.  This is learned behavior.
Handling conflict well takes intention, knowledge, practice and in my experience, a commitment to civility and graciousness.
What is your conflict resolution style?  Have you thought about it?
I hadn’t given it a lot of thought until I took an assessment called the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Assessment (TKI) which gives a profile of how a person behaves in conflict situations using 5 major style areas; Competing, Avoiding, Accommodating, Collaborating and Compromising.
The goal of the assessment is to show your dominant style and whether or not you could add styles that would increase your ability to resolve differences in a way that both parties make gains and positively impact the relationship.
My profile showed that I was using two of the five styles most of the time. With this knowledge, I participated in professional development to increase my conflict knowledge and skill.
You can learn more about the Thomas-Kilmann 5 Conflict Management Styles online. They are worth knowing. However, you will benefit from professional development to elevate your skill level. 
Knowing how to think about conflict, being prepared to graciously resolve it, values relationships, and is very powerful. 
What is your conflict resolution style? We are available to assist you increase your impact. 
We are available for keynote speaking, professional development seminars as well as consulting and coaching on creating collaborative and relationship-focused cultures.
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